What To Expect When You Are Facing Knee Replacement Surgery- Pre Surgery Requirements and Post Surgery Recovery

Knee surgery is a daunting procedure that removes the damaged area of the knee joint and replaces it with an artificial joint. By doing this, the procedure looks to reduce severe pain mainly caused by osteoarthritis. In an effort to make the process as pain free and relaxed as possible it is wise to be thoroughly prepared both physically and mentally and to know what is expected of you during the recovery process.

To prepare for knee replacement surgery you should initially take into consideration your physical fitness and where you could improve in this area. A good level of physical fitness will ensure a faster recovery time and will also help with the use of crutches and physiotherapy. It is also a good idea to learn what kind of physiotherapy exercises will be required of you and to start practicing these movements. This will make the recovery therapy much easier and less stressful. If you are a smoker, it is also a good idea to quit or cut down on smoking before the surgery. Smoking has been linked to slowing down the recovery process and can drastically increase the healing time of wounds.

It is also important to mentally prepare yourself for knee surgery. Do not hesitate to ask your orthopaedic surgeon any questions that you have in regards to the surgery. It is their job to help fully prepare you and put you in good stead for the upcoming procedure. The more you know, the more prepared you can be and the quicker the recovery process will be.

You should also think deeply about what effect the surgery will have on your everyday life. As it will be very difficult to get around, everything in your home should be easily accessible with no stair use for the first three weeks. In this initial three week period even the simplest of tasks will feel difficult so make sure that you are fully equipped and prepared for that. It is also a good idea to install safety bars and handrails in your shower, remove any loose cords, rugs and any other household trip hazards and get yourself a good quality, firm and stable chair with an elevated foot rest.

After surgery, be prepared to stay in the hospital for six days. During this time you may feel some pain but prescribed medication should keep most discomfort at bay. There will be methods and small exercises put in place by your doctor, such as slightly moving your foot and ankle, to limit the amount of swelling and to decrease the chance of any blood clotting. Physiotherapy will follow immediately after surgery, during which you will learn specific exercises for your brand new knee.

A physical exercise program is a great way to stay on top of the recovery process. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor about this. Your Doctor should also give you a detailed guideline regarding diet and wound care. An effective physical exercise program should include exercises to strengthen the knee, learned with your physiotherapist, and should be repeated several times a day. A slow increasing walking schedule should also be put in place. You can also include the slow exploration of daily activates, such as walking up and down stairs, into your program.

You should be able to start driving again after three weeks, depending on your recovery progress, the strength of your knee muscles and the bending ability of your new knee. You can generally expect to be able to recommence nearly all of your daily routine by the sixth week post surgery.

Six weeks is a long time to be out of action so it is very important that you take this into consideration to ensure that you do not interfere with your recovery. Being mentally and physically prepared will get you up and about in no time and will ensure that any complications are kept to a minimum.


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