Swollen Knee – Causes and Care

Many call it as ‘water on the knee’, or, a ‘knee joint effusion’– a swollen knee is a very common problem that can affect anybody, especially if you are above 40 years of age or, in cases of accidental injuries. A swollen knee feels like a sponge and is caused by excessive fluid accumulation around your knee joints. If a swollen knee doesn’t go away with the RICE therapy, it’s highly recommended that you visit an Orthopaedic Surgeon at the earliest. Causes Your knee is covered by a joint capsule that is nourished and lubricated by synovial fluid. When your knees get injured, there is excess fluid build-up in this capsule, which causes your knees to swell. Your knee can either swell up immediately after an injury, or, the process of swelling can proceed gradually. Reasons of rapid swelling after an injury: Ligament Tear – In this case, quite usually, your Anterior Cruciate Ligament (or, ACL) ruptures. Along with swelling, you will also experience pain and los...