
Best Treatment Options for Shoulder Instability

Shoulder instability is often caused due to a sudden injury or when you force your shoulders to do some heavy or extra work for prolonged periods of time. Your Orthopaedic Doctor may diagnose you with shoulder instability through an MRI scan which will point that the “upper arm bone have been misaligned/subluxated with the shoulder socket”. Such a condition can limit your range of motion and, if left untreated, it can increase your chances of shoulder arthritis. Not one size fits all and here are some of the best treatment options currently available for orthopaedic conditions such as Shoulder Instability: Non-Surgical Treatments – Shoulder discomfort and shoulder pain that are caused due to shoulder instability maybe treated with non-surgical methods as the first line of treatment. Here, your Orthopaedic Doctor will recommend certain activity modifications such as changes in lifestyle. To relieve pain and swelling, your doctor will also prescribe certain anti-...

Benefits of Knee Bracing

The Knee is one of the most vital joints of our body and also the most vulnerable one! The muscle and ligaments attached to our knee joint is prone to injuries and Knee Braces come to the rescue when you have a worn out cartilage or a damaged knee due to overdoing of weight bearing activities. Before your knee problem gets worse, it’s essential to consult a well-qualified Orthopaedic Doctor to avoid last mile Knee Surgery options. What are Knee Braces? Your Orthopaedic Specialist recommends using knee braces to give some extra support to your knee joints so as to safeguard it from further damage. Knee Braces are mainly aimed to provide stability to the knee, while you perform load bearing activities, so that your weak joints and ligaments doesn’t get compromised. Your doctor would recommend you to buy knee braces if you face any of the following conditions: Arthritis, Sport Injury, Prophylactic usage or Post Surgery and other types of knee injuries such as ACL tear, PCL T...

Meniscal Tear Repair Knee Surgery and Healing Time

If you are into contact sports (such as Football or Hockey), then you have full chances of getting a torn Meniscal. Meniscal damage can also happen to anyone and at any age due to sudden twisting or weight shifting movements such as during squatting, lifting heavy weights etc. Younger individuals (less than 30 years of age) are more resilient to such injuries and usually recover on their own with due care.  However, as you grow older the Meniscal wears and tears off with time and you can be easily injured while doing basic moves such as squatting or while stepping on a hard surface. If you have been diagnosed with a Meniscal Tear and it hasn’t repaired on its own within few weeks, your Orthopaedic Doctor would recommend you to go for a Meniscal Tear Knee arthroscopy surgery. Meniscal damage can also occur as a result of degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis. The Basics About a Meniscal Tear Menisci is a C-shaped cartilage that is present between the shinbon...

Knee Cartilage Replacement – How and Why?

Our knee bones are covered with cartilage that gives it an extra layer of protection and helps them to move against each other to provide an optimum range of motion. However, with age, certain medical conditions or overuse and traumatic injuries, your knee cartilage can wear off and in adverse situations your knee doctor may ask you to opt for a Knee Cartilage Replacement as a last mile resolution. Do you need a Knee Cartilage Replacement? In general, even those people with conditions such as arthritis, can usually do without a Knee Cartilage Replacement. But, if the pain, stiffness or the extreme disability (loss of range of motion) seems to be intolerable or, if you want to restore your pre-injury levels of physical activity, then Knee Cartilage Replacement may be a good option for you. You may require a Knee Cartilage Replacement Surgery , in case of: Injury or Trauma Repetitive Usage of your Knee Joints Certain Medical Conditions and Birth Defects H...

Swollen Knee – Causes and Care

Many call it as ‘water on the knee’, or, a ‘knee joint effusion’– a swollen knee is a very common problem that can affect anybody, especially if you are above 40 years of age or, in cases of accidental injuries. A swollen knee feels like a sponge and is caused by excessive fluid accumulation around your knee joints. If a swollen knee doesn’t go away with the RICE therapy, it’s highly recommended that you visit an Orthopaedic Surgeon at the earliest. Causes Your knee is covered by a joint capsule that is nourished and lubricated by synovial fluid. When your knees get injured, there is excess fluid build-up in this capsule, which causes your knees to swell. Your knee can either swell up immediately after an injury, or, the process of swelling can proceed gradually. Reasons of rapid swelling after an injury: Ligament Tear – In this case, quite usually, your Anterior Cruciate Ligament (or, ACL) ruptures. Along with swelling, you will also experience pain and los...

Rotator Cuff Special Tests

Courtesy: Slideplayer If you are unable to comfortably sit or sleep and feel a constant shoulder pain, then it is very likely that your shoulder might have got a rotator cuff injury. Rotator cuff injury is often accompanied by shoulder pain, loss of motion and weakness. Rotator cuff consists of muscles like subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor, wherein the damage may originate. The following are some of the rotator cuff special tests that are commonly used by orthopaedic surgeon and physical therapists to assess a shoulder pain associated with a rotator cuff injury : Special Tests for Subscapularis Lift Off Test Test: Touch your lower back with your arms fully extended and hands rotated on the inside. Result: If you are unable to lift the dorsum of your hand and experience weakness, the test is positive. Passive Lift Off (Lag Sign): Test: Here your doctor would take your arm behind the body and turn it to a point of ...