Best Treatment Options for Shoulder Instability

Shoulder instability is often caused due to a sudden injury or when you force your shoulders to do some heavy or extra work for prolonged periods of time. Your Orthopaedic Doctor may diagnose you with shoulder instability through an MRI scan which will point that the “upper arm bone have been misaligned/subluxated with the shoulder socket”. Such a condition can limit your range of motion and, if left untreated, it can increase your chances of shoulder arthritis. Not one size fits all and here are some of the best treatment options currently available for orthopaedic conditions such as Shoulder Instability: Non-Surgical Treatments – Shoulder discomfort and shoulder pain that are caused due to shoulder instability maybe treated with non-surgical methods as the first line of treatment. Here, your Orthopaedic Doctor will recommend certain activity modifications such as changes in lifestyle. To relieve pain and swelling, your doctor will also prescribe certain anti-...